Blog Posts

Pirates 2: Curse of the Dead Sea - July 2022 3d Printable Miniatures release content videos Jun 29, 2022


Hello dear Heroes Infinite subscriber! 


In the last few polls we made, Pirates have come up quite often. With summer coming, we thought it would be the perfect time to hop onto a sea adventure


The first Pirates we did were in fact our very first Heroes Infinite...

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Steampunk Adventurers of the Mechanium - June 2022 Release Video release content videos May 25, 2022

Hello dear Heroes Infinite subscribers!

As it is every month, it is time to share with you the result of the whole team’s hard work from the past few weeks. We were extremely proud and happy with the May Release of 3d printable miniatures showcasing the crazy stories happening in...

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Mortenburg - Curse of the Plague City (May 2022 Release Video) release content videos Apr 26, 2022

Hello Dear Heroes Infinite Subscribers!


We’re very excited about this month’s release because it is special in several different ways.


First of all, the entire team is extremely amped up with how unique and the uniqueness and the quality of the models we’ve created...

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High Elves of the Eternal Summits II (April 2022 Release Video) release content videos Mar 28, 2022

Hello dear Heroes Infinite Subscriber!

Wow, it’s already been two years!

Can you believe it?

This release marks the second anniversary of the Heroes infinite project.

And we think this High Elves 3d printable miniatures release is just the perfect subject to celebrate!

Indeed, ...

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Warriors of the Secret Jungle (March 2022 Release Video) release content videos Feb 26, 2022

Hello dear Heroes Infinite Subscriber,

So, here it is!

As promised this month is about Aztec-inspired fantasy. 

It really was a blast to create as it was full of stuff we never worked on before: the jungle vibe, the lizardfolks, the amazing mesoamerican culture, the feather ornaments, the...

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High Elves of the Eternal Summits (February 2022 Release Video) release content videos Jan 28, 2022

Hello dear Heroes Infinite Subscribers,

Check out the Trailer for our February 2022 Release: High Elves of the Eternal Summits

As I mentioned previously in our latest post, this release has been a tough one!
I knew from the beginning that this release would be a challenge for the Team.

This is...

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Two Videos Reviewing Your Comments poll/survey release content Jan 27, 2022


In our last post, we asked you about what you would want for the next releases and as always, you gave us many, many interesting answers!

So I recorded a video going through your answers. I also give you a little bit of perspective on what we are going to do in the coming months. And...

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Empires of the Eastern Suns (January 2022 Release) release content videos Dec 28, 2021

Hi! Turn up the volume and enjoy our Release Video:

Hello dear Heroes Infinite supporter, and Happy Holidays to you!

Could this January release be our Christmas gift to you?

In a sense I think it is because…. Oh boy, what a crazy release!!!!

Every month, you are making us very happy with...

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Land of the FROST - December 2021 Release Video release content videos Nov 27, 2021

Hi! Turn up the volume and enjoy our Release Video:

Hello, dear Subscribers!

So here it is, the Christmas release, the Land of the Frost. I think we really outdid ourselves on this one!

The video is really amazing. I just watched it as I'm writing this message to you and I was really blown...

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Arcadian Elves - November 2021 Release Video release content videos Oct 27, 2021

Well, it’s finally here!

I know that many of you have been waiting for a Sci-fi release of 3d printable miniatures for a long time.

And this particular 3d printer files miniatures release was created during a time of changes here at Raging Heroes.

In the past three...

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It’s survey time - tell us what you want for December’s Release! poll/survey release content Oct 19, 2021

Hello dear Heroes Infinite Supporter!

We’ve been a bit quiet in the last few weeks as the whole team has been super busy polishing the Heroes Infinite website and its various goodies, as well as preparing the November release. And now it’s your turn: please tell us what you want for...

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Halloween DARK Fairy Tales - October 2021 Release Video release content videos Sep 29, 2021

Wow, it’s that time of the year again!
Watch the video then keep reading to know EVERYTHING!

Time for all things wicked and creepy and a bit monstrous.

But this year, we didn’t want to make the hundredth version of a zombie and ghoul release.

We wanted Halloween with a twist!


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