Blog Posts

🤑🚀 Black Friday Exclusive is LIVE: Supercharged Discounts on Heroes Infinite's STL Treasures! 🛒🛍️ sale Nov 13, 2023

In the world of miniature gaming, some truths are universal. Details matter. Quality is king. And opportunities like this don't come around often.

This Black Friday month, Heroes Infinite is doing something exceptional. We're unlocking the vault of our past STL releases - a treasure trove that...

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💝 Final Hours on Black Friday SALE sale Nov 30, 2022



SALE ENDS at 23h55 CET on Wednesday Nov. 30, 2022 (that's Paris, France time)

That's 22h55 in the UK
17h55 on the US East coast
14h55  on the US West coast


Subscribers get 90% OFF retail price:

Only $32 for Overlord Releases

Only $20 for collections that predated the...

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