Blog Posts

๐Ÿซต Mission Briefing: Your Strategic Input is Essential for Our Next Releases poll/survey Sep 04, 2024

Dear Subscriber,

It's that time again to ask you: what do you want? At Heroes Infinite, Christmas is already just around the corner, and we want to ensure that this Winter, you'll get the best possible miniatures you've ever dreamed of.

→ So, it's your turn to tell us what you want!

As you...

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๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Feedback on your Feedback + Next Steps ๐Ÿ™‚ poll/survey Apr 26, 2024

Hello Everyone,

It's Benoit again, reaching out to address your recent comments about my feedback on the feedback from our last poll (yes, you see what I mean?… sorry, that’s a bit complicated )

I really appreciate the time you've taken to engage with us, and I want to ensure we...

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โ“๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ˜ƒ Future plans in motion, shaped by you poll/survey Apr 20, 2024

Hello everyone,

This is Benoit from Raging Heroes,

Well…you know me… I plan to do a 15-minute video and it ends up being more than 30 minutes long…

So yes, your comments and suggestions from the last poll were very interesting and I had to answer them in detail. 

So my...

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๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ“Hereโ€™s your chance to tell us what you want in coming months! poll/survey Mar 12, 2024

Hello dear Heroes Infinite subscribers!

The recent releases we've made have been super popular. And it looks like...

Most of you have been very excited about them. But as always, we want to make sure that we're creating stuff that is very much what YOU like and what YOU want to print and use in...

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๐Ÿค— Poll Feedback for โ€œWhat do you want for Christmas?โ€ ๐Ÿ“ฃ poll/survey Nov 23, 2023

Hello dear Heroes Infinite members.

As Christmas time is closing on us fast, I wanted to get back to you on the poll we did a few weeks ago about what you were hoping for come December. As always we received a lot of answers and interesting comments, and as always I have deep dived into these...

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You decide what's next! #poll2023 poll/survey Jan 12, 2023

Yes! Once again, we need to know what collections we should bring to your favorite subscription service: Heroes Infinite.


We have a poll just for you right here --> 


You'll be able to choose one or several of the options you would...

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Poll Results, Short Story Contest Update, and MORE! poll/survey Nov 10, 2022

Hello dear Heroes Infinite Subscriber !

Guess what…?

Christmas is getting closer !!!

I know, I know, we are not there yet, but…

Heroes Infinite’s own Santa is already working on your Christmas toys!

So I recorded that video to tell you all about it.




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What do you want for Christmas? poll/survey Sep 13, 2022

Once more, as we do every few months, we would like to ask you: what you would like to see in future releases?

For Christmas, we thought about adding new Angels models to our releases! Is this something you would like or do you want something else?

On June 8th, we reached out and asked what...

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We need you forโ€ฆ poll/survey Jun 08, 2022

Hello dear Heroes Infinite subscriber!


 Wow! Time flies so fast!!


Here at the studio, it feels like when it’s Tuesday evening, the week is already over! 

Because, you know, tomorrow is Wednesday and so, after that there are just two days left to finish everything...

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Talking about future releases poll/survey Feb 23, 2022

Hello dear Heroes Infinite Subscriber,

It’s nearly the end of the month!

So maybe you want to know more about what is coming in the next release and also a little bit about our plans in the future.  

So I recorded this video for you to explain how all of these decisions are based...

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Two Videos Reviewing Your Comments poll/survey release content Jan 27, 2022


In our last post, we asked you about what you would want for the next releases and as always, you gave us many, many interesting answers!

So I recorded a video going through your answers. I also give you a little bit of perspective on what we are going to do in the coming months. And...

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So, whatโ€™s next? poll/survey Jan 13, 2022

Hello dear Heroes Infinite supporter!

First of all, let the whole Heroes Infinite team wish you a Happy New Year!

2021 has been a tough one for many, so we sincerely hope 2022 will bring a lot of joy and happiness to you and your loved ones. 

On our end, we’ll do as much as we can to...

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