Blog Posts
Prepare for a thrilling homecoming! Answering a call you’ve all been sending us since day one, we’re revisiting some of our most iconic Raging Heroes factions in the February release — our Jailbirds and our Kurganova Shock Troops (KST).
We decided to design this release as...
Hello everyone,
First of all, we wish you the very best for this holiday season and the upcoming new year. We hope you’ve been able to enjoy this time with those closest to you. May this new year bring you many opportunities for gaming, painting, and adventures.
To kick off the year,...
Hear that? It's the sweet sound of your 3D printer warming up for what's coming next.
Starting December 2nd, your machine is in for a treat - we're releasing for you a collection so good, your printer might just add it to its résumé
Please forgive us for skipping the long...
Dear Heroes Infinite Subscriber,
This month’s release is something truly special!
In fact, I’ve been planning this one for years, and judging by your messages and comments about future characters you’d like to see, it seems you’ve been thinking along similar...
Hello everyone!
Well, here we are again in the Halloween season.
And it’s almost become a tradition now with Heroes Infinite.
After our Halloween's Carnevil Circus, our Halloween's Dark FairyTales, the Undeads and Heroes of the Haunted City, the creatures of darkness are returning in...
Hello, dear subscribers! I hope you had a great summer. I don't know about you, but I love everything about summer. I love the summer weather, the summer nights, and the summer holidays. So, when back-to-school season comes around, I'm not too thrilled. If you're like me, to make it better, I...
Hello dear Heroes Infinite subscriber!
And the video of August is finally here.
I don't know how it is at your place, but here, summer is finally in full blast, and I love it! And isn’t it a treat to withdraw from the warmest hours into a cool room to design, print, paint and game until the...
Hello dear miniature enthusiasts!
So, are you ready for summer?
I hope you are.
And I hope you didn't think that since, a few months ago our Arthurian friends went and took a stab at the baddies from the Undead Necropolis under the sands of foreign sunny lands, you would be good this summer and...
Hello dear Miniature Enthusiast!
How are you today?
If for any reason, life has been giving you lemons recently, this here should brighten your day!
I hope you are ready for your monthly dose of badassery because, oh boy, does this release deliver!
Do you know what happens when you...
With Spring in full swing, we thought it was time to stroll by the beach and since you’ve regularly asked for a part 2 for the very successful Kingdom of the Depth, we just took a deep dive!
It also turns out that while we were working on that release, we got the results of our last...
Hello dear Heroes Infinite subscribers!
First of all, I want to start this post by saying that we recently had a poll to ask you what you would want us to make in the following month and we will cover that in another post in the next few days, but today I want to focus on the April release which...
Hello dear Heroes Infinite Subscriber!
Well, well, well, in March comes another big release…
Part 1 of Chaos, Blood and Steel, released last January, was one of our most popular releases ever! It also reached a lot of new people, making it a very special event for Heroes Infinite....