What do you want for Christmas?

poll/survey Sep 13, 2022
We need your help!

Once more, as we do every few months, we would like to ask you: what you would like to see in future releases?

For Christmas, we thought about adding new Angels models to our releases! Is this something you would like or do you want something else?

On June 8th, we reached out and asked what models you would want to have for the summer and back-to-school season. 

After reading over 160 comments providing feedback, we created the Steampunk, Arcadian Elves, and Arthurian Legends collections. And the upcoming October and November releases are also based on themes that were heavily requested by you all !

We have been impressed with the amount of information and feedback that we have received from Facebook, Discord, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and from the comments on this website. 

It looks like you really loved these releases and we are so happy we’ve been able to give you something that makes you happy and inspires you to play more and have fun!

So let’s do it again!

What models do YOU WANT for the upcoming Christmas and winter seasons? 

I will reply to your suggestions and asks in a video very soon, I can't wait to know what kind of great model we'll be sculpting for you.

Please, let us know in the comments below !!!  


Have a great printing time,


Co Founders\ Raging Heroes

Please join our Facebook Group and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!