Blog Posts

πŸŽ‰ Shop Faster: Heroes Infinite’s New Themed Collections are Here! πŸ›οΈπŸŽ² shop Nov 19, 2023

New Twist: Collections by Theme

You know how it can be a maze finding the right minis?
We’re changing that.
→ We’ve started sorting our collections by themes

It’s not the whole revamp yet, but it sure makes finding your faves easier.
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, you name it,...

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πŸ€‘πŸš€ Black Friday Exclusive is LIVE: Supercharged Discounts on Heroes Infinite's STL Treasures! πŸ›’πŸ›οΈ sale Nov 13, 2023

In the world of miniature gaming, some truths are universal. Details matter. Quality is king. And opportunities like this don't come around often.

This Black Friday month, Heroes Infinite is doing something exceptional. We're unlocking the vault of our past STL releases - a treasure trove that...

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β˜„οΈ Dark Space Void Elves - November 2023 Release Video πŸŒ‘ release content videos Oct 29, 2023

Hello, Heroes Infinite subscribers. Today is a special day!!! Allow me to introduce a release that many of you have been anticipating for months!!!

Indeed, this theme has been one of our top best sellers since it appeared on the Raging Heroes physical shop, and now it comes to you in a...

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πŸ©ΈπŸ¦‡A Dance with the Vampires, part III - October 2023 Release Video πŸ’€πŸͺ¦ release content videos Sep 29, 2023

Hello, dear Heroes Infinite subscriber. It's already time for Halloween. Can you believe how fast time flies?

As always for Halloween, we know you're keen on dark, creepy, and vicious yet mesmerizingly beautiful horrors. The kind that jump out of the night and give you those enjoyable chills.


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πŸŽ„πŸŽ… Do tell: "All I want for Christmas is ..." 🍾 Sep 19, 2023

Hello, Heroes Infinite subscribers

We've been working very hard at the Raging Heroes Studio and guess what?

We are already looking at the Christmas release…

But we need your voice! 

Please watch the video now and you’ll know exactly how you can share your input so that we...

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πŸ€©πŸ‘ΊEmpires of the Eastern Suns - Part 2 (September 2023 Release Video)πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅πŸ― release content videos Aug 29, 2023

Hello, fellow Heroes Infinite subscribers!

It is the back-to-school season…

I hope you had a good summer and that you are ready for that. To be fair, it is not my favorite time of the year, and I expect that I’m not the only one who feels that way…

To make up for it,...

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πŸ’šπŸ”₯πŸ’š Legends of the Celt Kingdoms, Part II - August 2023 Release VideoπŸ›‘οΈβš”οΈ release content videos Jul 29, 2023

Hello, fellow Heroes Infinite subscribers!

A few months ago, one of our most popular releases ever was Legends of the Celt Kingdoms. We received tons of reviews that were absolutely ecstatic about it, sharing with us how much you liked us exploring that particular universe. And you asked for more...

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☩🩸☩ Grim Darkness of the Inquisition, Part II - July 2023 Release Video release content videos Jun 28, 2023

Hello, fellow Heroes Infinite subscribers!

So this is it! Part two of our Inquisition release (part 1 is here).

And it's a pretty amazing one. In part one, we gave you the basis to build a small army or inquisitors. But here we're going into more details and we're also bringing...

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πŸ”₯πŸ–€πŸ’€πŸ–€πŸ”₯ Wild Orcs of the Black Moors - June 2023 Release Video release content videos May 29, 2023

Hey there, fellow Heroes Infinite subscribers!

We've got something super special to share with you today. You all remember our Celt Kingdom release, right? It was a smashing hit - lots of you even said it was our best release yet.

Now, what parts of that release received the highest praises from...

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πŸͺ“ βš”οΈ 😱 Undeads and Heroes of the Haunted City ☨ - May 2023 Release Video πŸ—‘οΈ release content videos Apr 28, 2023

Hey there, fellow Heroes Infinite subscribers!

We've got an adventure-packed release for you this month that is sure to shake things up! This time, two factions are facing off against each other, with the good guys infiltrating the city of the bad guys. And, for the first time ever, we've created...

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πŸ’šπŸ›‘οΈβš”οΈπŸ”₯ Legends of the Celt Kingdoms - April 2023 Release Video release content videos Mar 29, 2023

Hello dear Heroes Infinite subscribers! 

It's time for a new release, and we've taken your comments, suggestions, and poll answers from the past two months as the cornerstone of this release. 

Many of you wanted characters related to forests, woodlands, and celtic legends, and quite a...

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β˜©πŸ’€β˜© Grim Darkness of the Inquisition - March 2023 Release Video release content videos Feb 27, 2023

Hello dear Heroes Infinite Subscriber! 


It's finally here - the release that so many of you have been waiting for! 


This release is probably the best set of miniatures featuring Raging Heroes and Heroes Infinite that we've ever done on this kind of topic: grimdark sci-fi...

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