Blog Posts

🫦 😱 Ratmen Vermins in the Undead Necropolis - July 2024 Release Video release content videos Jun 29, 2024

Hello dear miniature enthusiasts!

So, are you ready for summer?

I hope you are.

And I hope you didn't think that since, a few months ago our Arthurian friends went and took a stab at the baddies from the Undead Necropolis under the sands of foreign sunny lands, you would be good this summer and...

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πŸ’₯Chaos Across the Galaxy - June 2024 Release Video πŸš€πŸŒŒ release content videos May 30, 2024

Hello dear Miniature Enthusiast!

How are you today? 

If for any reason, life has been giving you lemons recently, this here should brighten your day! 

I hope you are ready for your monthly dose of badassery because, oh boy, does this release deliver!

Do you know what happens when you...

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πŸšπŸ‹ Sea Elves, Kingdom of the Depth - Part II - May 2024 Release Video 🐑πŸͺΌπŸ¦ˆ release content videos Apr 29, 2024


With Spring in full swing, we thought it was time to stroll by the beach and since you’ve regularly asked for a part 2 for the very successful Kingdom of the Depth, we just took a deep dive!

It also turns out that while we were working on that release, we got the results of our last...

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πŸ—£οΈ Feedback on your Feedback + Next Steps πŸ™‚ poll/survey Apr 26, 2024

Hello Everyone,

It's Benoit again, reaching out to address your recent comments about my feedback on the feedback from our last poll (yes, you see what I mean?… sorry, that’s a bit complicated )

I really appreciate the time you've taken to engage with us, and I want to ensure we...

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β“πŸ’‘πŸ˜ƒ Future plans in motion, shaped by you poll/survey Apr 20, 2024

Hello everyone,

This is Benoit from Raging Heroes,

Well…you know me… I plan to do a 15-minute video and it ends up being more than 30 minutes long…

So yes, your comments and suggestions from the last poll were very interesting and I had to answer them in detail. 

So my...

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βšœοΈβš”οΈπŸ’€Arthur's Crusade To The Necropolis Sands - April 2024 Release Video release content videos Mar 30, 2024

Hello dear Heroes Infinite subscribers!

First of all, I want to start this post by saying that we recently had a poll to ask you what you would want us to make in the following month and we will cover that in another post in the next few days, but today I want to focus on the April release which...

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πŸ’‘πŸ“Here’s your chance to tell us what you want in coming months! poll/survey Mar 12, 2024

Hello dear Heroes Infinite subscribers!

The recent releases we've made have been super popular. And it looks like...

Most of you have been very excited about them. But as always, we want to make sure that we're creating stuff that is very much what YOU like and what YOU want to print and use in...

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πŸ©ΈπŸ©ΈπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ©ΈπŸ©ΈMORE Chaos, Blood & Steel, Part 2 - March 2024 Release Video release content videos Feb 28, 2024

Hello dear Heroes Infinite Subscriber!

Well, well, well, in March comes another big release… 

Part 1 of Chaos, Blood and Steel, released last January, was one of our most popular releases ever! It also reached a lot of new people, making it a very special event for Heroes Infinite....

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πŸ•³οΈβ€‹β€‹πŸ¦ΎπŸ€© Punks of the Cyber Underhive - February 2024 Release Video release content videos Jan 30, 2024

Hello dear Heroes Infinite Subscriber!

Well, it is the same thing every month. I'm just like you…

… waiting for the new video to drop and to see how cool the release is going to be!

And I have to say that I just watched this video a few minutes before writing this update and...

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πŸ©ΈπŸ’€πŸ©ΈCHAOS, Blood and Steel - January 2024 Release Video πŸ©ΈπŸ’€πŸ©Έ release content videos Dec 30, 2023

This is a very special time of the year. We are right now just between Christmas and New Year's Eve, and it's always a time where we want to come up with a release that has a special flair for you. 

I think we did well on that this month. It's been many years that I have wanted to work on a...

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πŸ˜‡πŸŽ Christmas Chronicles: Goblin Mayhem and Holy Angels - December 2023 Release Video β„οΈπŸŽ… release content videos Nov 29, 2023

Hello dear Heroes Infinite subscribers! 

Well, this is time! This is Christmas time! 

→ Final days on our Black Friday Sale! ← 

And as you know, we've been really working hard inspired by your comments and suggestions about what we should do this...

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πŸ€— Poll Feedback for β€œWhat do you want for Christmas?” πŸ“£ poll/survey Nov 23, 2023

Hello dear Heroes Infinite members.

As Christmas time is closing on us fast, I wanted to get back to you on the poll we did a few weeks ago about what you were hoping for come December. As always we received a lot of answers and interesting comments, and as always I have deep dived into these...

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