Hello dear Heroes Infinite Subscriber!
Well, it is the same thing every month. I'm just like you…
… waiting for the new video to drop and to see how cool the release is going to be!
And I have to say that I just watched this video a few minutes before writing this update and I’m still in shock, I'm really blown away by it.
So I hope you're going to feel the same. Once you’ve watched it, make sure you’re in the loop as I share below some insider info you’ll want to have!
A perfect blend of Raging Heroes and Heroes Infinite
A lot of you have been asking for what is inside this release for a very long time.
A lot of long-time followers had been wanting us to get back to making some of our Jailbirds, which is a faction that we created during our first Kickstarter in 2013.
It's been 11 years now, and it has been massively popular ever since. A lot of people have used them for all types of games, and they were probably the most popular for people who were playing some imperial guard type of armies for which they wanted to have a little bit of a more characterful vibe.
In the poll we did a few months ago about what you would like us to do, Jailbirds were one of the top results, neck to neck with a follow-up on our initial Cyberpunk release that we did quite some time ago.
When we delivered that Cyberpunk release, we were extremely proud of its creativity and uniqueness. Yet at that time, the 3D printing audience was focussing more on fantasy and the reception was very mixed. But as time passed, we saw more and more interest for that release and recently, you've been pushing pretty hard, asking more and more about the follow-up.
So we thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to mix the cyberpunk vibe with an underhive environment because they are in fact very similar: dark gritty dystopian urban settings with highly colorful characters.
So here it is in all its glory.
The miniatures are absolutely amazing. There's a lot of very original ideas, the video is just a pleasure to watch.
So let's now dive a bit more into what's in the release.
First of all, as always, you have a lot of cool scenery elements that you can use to build all types of gaming tables, whether it is something you want to use for competitive gaming and tournaments, or if you want something that is more narrative, or simply to make your table beautiful. There's a lot of options with the kit that is included.
And of course, as a centerpiece, we had to include a bar, because there's no good cyberpunk adventure that doesn’t end up in a bar at some point.
Unforgettable Characters
Then what about the characters? Well, of course, we wanted to have some powerful characters, but in a cyberpunk universe, powerful characters don't necessarily come with tons of weapons and armors and that kind of gear.
So that's how we came up with Miss Monsoon, a corporate CEO who is very elegant, very slick and radiates high level corporate power. She is accompanied by her AI bodyguard which is nothing less than some kind of holographic dragon.
Another type of power figure is Kawamura, the Meat Grinder, a cruel and creepy mafia boss who owns a massive industrial slaughterhouse and who takes pleasure in punishing the people who wronged him by putting them in the meat grinder and keeping their hands as trophies. .
Then we have a handful of super cool Jailbirds characters.
The first one, Kaboom Kylie, is completely obsessed with destruction and explosives. You get her as a character on foot but also riding a jet bike, zipping through your adventure in a trail of massive blasts.
Zab the Hacker is a character who we created 11 years ago for our first Kickstarter. She was the last character that could have been unlocked during the Kickstarter but in the end, this did not happen. So a lot of people have been waiting for that miniature for a very long time. And she is finally here!
She has a very “physical” and unique style of hacking, jumping on armored vehicles, using piercing probes to punch through their metal plating and directly connect to the core of their internal computer, disabling or taking control of the enemy’s heavy machinery in a few seconds.
Glitz X is an outrageous rocker girl, and if you are really into guitars and cyberpunk references, you'll probably appreciate the very iconic guitar that we gave her. Of course, we had to add to it a few interesting accessories to it so it can also be used as a flamethrower or as a chainsaw axe.
Tickle Trixie is the perfect example of the Jailbird philosophy, which is to use construction equipment and other types of gear to transform it into weaponry. There is no doubt that Tickle Trixie can face anti-riot tanks and other heavy equipment without breaking a sweat.
Bexy Da Boss runs the Jailbirds Heavy Hitter Troops. In good Jailbird fashion, Bexy and her crew have recycled construction work exoskeletons to turn them into a stripped-down form of power armor. Bexy is accompanied by Wiggle, her pet monkey, and she teams a lot of outrageous punkish class with her devastating firepower.
Captain Hammer-Shank is an implacable SWAT officer. His main role is to tame the rioting population of the under-hive. His over-the-shoulders powerful PA system will give you one single warning. Then, he fires his rocket launchers. With him is always a top-of-the-line Cyber Hound. Wherever he goes, law gets restored.
Ercom 27 is an android who fancies himself as some kind of Old West cowboy working as a bounty hunter. He dresses up with a Stetson kind of hat and likes to punctuate his interventions with one liners in the style of 'Go ahead, punk, make my day!'. Another robot looking to be more human than human…
Awesome Vehicles and Troops
One of the coolest things of this release is, without a doubt, the armored vehicles that I'm pretty sure a lot of you will start to print right away. I personally find them extremely cool, and the first time I saw the renders that you see in the video, I was completely floored by how badass and how massive they ended up looking. They will make a fantastic addition to any of your futuristic intervention troops.
Speaking about troops, we've already talked about the Jailbirds Heavy Hitters. You also get a flying set of Jailbirds on Jetbikes to face the Corporate Army Combat Androids and the Gigapolis SWAT Force. But we also included something a little bit weirder because it occurred to me that the creepiest parts of cyberpunk Underhives are rarely depicted in cyberpunk stories.
So I thought about this tribe living in the sewers and using the undercity maze to build organized commando operations that will strike at the heart of some of the most well-protected corporate buildings, banks or any other high-value target. That’s how I came up with the Sewer Pariahs, a tribe of weird humans living like rats in the sewers.
Anyway, here you have it: Our first Jailbirds as 3D printable files and the second part to our Cyberpunk original release.
I think it brings a very unique take on cyberpunk compared to the way this is usually depicted.
When you look for references, when you build a release like this one, you realize that there are not so many very unique cyberpunk characters. Everything feels a bit the same, and it's somewhat challenging to come up with something that will have a unique feel.
Looking at that video, I'm pretty sure that you will agree we have something very special here.
Once again, I want to thank the team that has been very hard at work on that release. It was a very challenging one during a time where a lot of us were sick with the flu or away for the Christmas break.
In the end, we pulled through and managed to create one of our best releases ever. I hope you'll have a lot of fun with it. So as always, it is now time for me to ask you the usual question:
What are your favorite characters? And what do you plan to do with them?
Have a good day and talk to you soon. Bye bye
Who’s who in this release
→ Heroes
Miss Monsoon, Corporate CEO and Dr4k3, Holo-Bodyguard
Kawamura, the Meat Grinder - Mafia Boss
Kaboom Kylie - Jailbird Explosives Freak
Zab the Hacker - Jailbird Combat Zone Hacking Specialist
Glitz X - Rocker Girl
Captain Hammer-Shank - SWAT Captain
Tickle Trixie - Shock Intervention Specialist
Ercom 27 - Android Bounty Hunter
Bexy Da Boss and Wiggle - Jailbird Heavy-Hitter Boss and her Pet Monkey
→ Monsters/Vehicles
Kaboom Kylie on Jetbike
ASV Chimera - Anti Riot Armored Vehicle
IFV Chimera Tank - Anti Riot Armored Tank
→ Troops
Jailbirds Heavy-Hitters
Jailbirds Jetbike Riders
Corporate Army Combat Androids
Gigapolis SWAT Force
Sewers Pariahs
→ Centerpiece + Modular Scenery