PIRATES: Curse of the Dead Sea
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Over 50 mesmerizing Ready-To-3D-Print* heroes, troops, monsters and scenery.
Build a full wargaming army or stage an amazing role playing adventure.
Check it out and grab it now!
* All miniatures are available in both unsupported and supported format, ready to print on your 3D printer.
"Got so many pirate stls but these have their own flavor and it’s beautiful!"
-Thomas Lopez-Anderson
"As always you're knocking it out of the park with these sculpts!!"
- Adrian
"Just when you think things can't get any better you guys show it still can. Awesome minis and as usual I can't wait to get my hands on the centerpiece.
"- Lord-alike
"Looking great. I'll be back in July for sure."
- Joe Kushner
- Diana Glewwe
"Great job expanding two early releases! Love the Sculpts!"
- William Woods
This amazing set of ready to 3D print miniatures comes fully supported.
This set is not yet available in physical miniatures but will be in the future.
If you're looking for physical resin miniatures, please visit our website www.RagingHeroes.com
PIRATE Curse of the Dead Sea
A Story-driven Theme
As always, this is partly due to your suggestions: this Pirate release is a more story-driven release, rather than a release based around a single faction.
Here is the full line-up of all the minis from this release.
From the release post
The first Pirates we did were our very first Heroes Infinite release, more than two years ago!! In it, we featured a captain who had somehow lost his ship and was trying to rebuild a better fortune.
In our new Pirate episode, the main character is a female pirate setting out to settle old grudges with two other captains who took advantage of her years ago.
The only problem is that since that time, those two captains themselves got into a fight that cost them both their lives. They were both so caught up into greed and bitterness that their dispute lived on and, even in death, they are still fighting their battle at the bottom of the sea.
So in this new set of characters, we have both good and bad guys!
Since we’ve launched Heroes Infinite, what you get with your subscription has grown vastly and so, it was possible for us this time to include not only a group of good guys but also their enemies.
So here we’ve got a Pirate Queen with some of her crew but also two Captains with their nefarious Troops and, on top of that, additional creatures to help you spice up any adventure you might design.
Queen, Captains, Creatures
The Pirate Queen comes with Hellance, her trusted acrobat, and a Tabaxian boarding troop. Her bodyguard is Braako the Bone Crusher, whose immense strength and fighting rage will be enough to face most enemies. However, should you trust her ship surgeon? This is really up to you but we are not sure we would...
On the side of the bad guys we’ve got plenty of options. What exactly happened between the two Pirate Captains and the Pirate Queen?
What we do know is that Sir Velguard the Greedy was a nobleman who turned to piracy because of pure gold lust. He and his crew were so obsessed with gold that in the end, they preferred to die and sink with the treasure instead of letting go and saving their lives. And so today, after their deaths, they roam at the bottom of the sea still chained to their treasures…
Captain Humgrain’s story is a completely different one. He took to the seas with his daughters and, over time, managed to raise a crew of the strongest pirates ever. But something terrible happened to him and his daughters. Some say that they encountered a powerful magical creature of the sea that laid a terrible curse on them and transformed them into half humans and half sea creatures condemned to live forever at the bottom of the sea.
Could one of the magical creatures who brought this curse upon them be the spirit of the drowned? Or was the curse laid by this ghostly figurehead that appears to sailors during heavy storms? There are a lot of mysteries to uncover in the sunken city that our two pirate crews now inhabit.
Characters and Creatures
Working on this release made us realize that coming up with characters who have a unique vibe is not that easy when it comes to pirates. While stories of Pirates fire up the imagination, it feels like a lot of the characters seem to always be the same. So we aimed to give you a little bit of the regular Pirate archetypes while also bringing you several unique looking characters and creatures that we think will bring a distinctive flavor to your games.
Talking about creatures and monsters, there were also a lot of requests for a second part of a Kingdom of the Depth release and here you’ve got plenty of new sea creatures that will perfectly complement that release.
A Sunken World…
In terms of scenery, since we just made a boat for this month’s steampunk release, we thought we would go for something a little bit different and that is why we went for the Sunken environment and its boat wreckage. This set of models, scenery, and scattered terrain is extremely cool as you can see in the video. It allows you to build absolutely amazing underwater environments. There’s even Sir Velguard the Greedy’s pipe organ!
So we hope that you will be as excited as we are about this group of sea adventurers and that you’ll have a lot of fun playing with them. Playing a good pirate adventure is in my opinion the perfect plan for a summer game. As always, we would really love to know which are your favorite characters and what are your plans for them. So please enjoy the video and then share your thoughts in the comments below!